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Skipping 615 KB.. Full Log
13: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::TiledArrayRepresentation<T, Nd>::~TiledArrayRepresentation() [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 1]
13: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
13: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::TiledArrayRepresentation<T, Nd>::~TiledArrayRepresentation() [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3]
13: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
13: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::TiledArrayRepresentation<T, Nd>::~TiledArrayRepresentation() [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3]
13: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
13: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 2 MB
13: *** No errors detected
13: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] CLEANUP: Memory allocated database
13: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Writing memory report
13: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] CLEANUP: Timing database
13/26 Test #13: BORG_test_spherical_projection ......   Passed    0.75 sec
test 14
      Start 14: modelio

14: Test command: /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_modelio
14: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
14: Running 5 test cases...
14: *** No errors detected
14/26 Test #14: modelio .............................   Passed    0.26 sec
test 15
      Start 15: representation

15: Test command: /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
15: Running 4 test cases...
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering Initializing peer system
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Comm size is 1
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/tiled_array.cpp]void LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::setLocalTile(LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType) [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType = std::array<long int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType = std::array<long unsigned int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType = std::array<short unsigned int, 3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void LibLSS::computeCompleteDomainSpec(LibLSS::MPI_Communication*, LibLSS::CompleteDomainSpec<N>&, const LibLSS::DomainSpec<N>&) [with long unsigned int N = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | domainPerNodes[0]=6,  displs[0]=0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p converter_tiled_io(LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&, bool) [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p = std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/tiled_array.cpp]void LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::setLocalTile(LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType) [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType = std::array<long int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType = std::array<long unsigned int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType = std::array<short unsigned int, 3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void LibLSS::computeCompleteDomainSpec(LibLSS::MPI_Communication*, LibLSS::CompleteDomainSpec<N>&, const LibLSS::DomainSpec<N>&) [with long unsigned int N = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | domainPerNodes[0]=6,  displs[0]=0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void LibLSS::mpiDomainComputeTodo(LibLSS::MPI_Communication*, const LibLSS::CompleteDomainSpec<N>&, const LibLSS::CompleteDomainSpec<N>&, LibLSS::DomainTodo<N>&, LibLSS::SliceOperation) [with long unsigned int N = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Allocated 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void LibLSS::mpiDomainRun(LibLSS::MPI_Communication*, LibLSS::Domain<T, N>&, LibLSS::Domain<T, N>&, const LibLSS::DomainTodo<N>&) [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 3; LibLSS::Domain<T, N> = boost::multi_array_ref<double, 3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Local copy
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Allocated 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x8
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void pushSlice(std::shared_ptr<LibLSS::UninitializedArray<boost::multi_array_ref<T, NumDims>, LibLSS::track_allocator<T> > >, LibLSS::Domain<T, N>&, const typename LibLSS::DomainSpec<N>::DomainLimit_t&, LibLSS::SliceOperation) [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 3; LibLSS::Domain<T, N> = boost::multi_array_ref<double, 3>; typename LibLSS::DomainSpec<N>::DomainLimit_t = std::array<long int, 6>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | tmp_slice ((0 - 8, 0 - 8, 0 - 8, ))
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | output ((0 - 8, 0 - 8, 0 - 8, ))
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | sliced output ((0 - 8, 0 - 8, 0 - 8, ))
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x8
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | output[0] = 6.94673e-310
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Now process
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_input::ModelInputBase<Nd, Super>::setRequestedIO(LibLSS::PreferredIO) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_input::ModelInputBase<Nd, Super>::transformInputRealToFourier() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Allocated 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Allocated 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering FFTW_Manager::create_r2c_plan
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_input::ModelInputBase<Nd, Super>::needDestroyInput() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Protect real
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Allocated 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x8
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering FFTW_Manager::execute_r2c
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering FFTW_Manager::destroy_plan
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | |  -> Scaler 0.00195312
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x5
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::TiledArrayRepresentation<T, Nd>::~TiledArrayRepresentation() [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/tiled_array.cpp]void LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::setLocalTile(LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType) [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType = std::array<long int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType = std::array<long unsigned int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType = std::array<short unsigned int, 3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void LibLSS::computeCompleteDomainSpec(LibLSS::MPI_Communication*, LibLSS::CompleteDomainSpec<N>&, const LibLSS::DomainSpec<N>&) [with long unsigned int N = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | domainPerNodes[0]=6,  displs[0]=0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p converter_tiled_io(LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&, bool) [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p = std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/tiled_array.cpp]void LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::setLocalTile(LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType) [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType = std::array<long int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType = std::array<long unsigned int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType = std::array<short unsigned int, 3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void LibLSS::computeCompleteDomainSpec(LibLSS::MPI_Communication*, LibLSS::CompleteDomainSpec<N>&, const LibLSS::DomainSpec<N>&) [with long unsigned int N = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | domainPerNodes[0]=6,  displs[0]=0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void LibLSS::mpiDomainComputeTodo(LibLSS::MPI_Communication*, const LibLSS::CompleteDomainSpec<N>&, const LibLSS::CompleteDomainSpec<N>&, LibLSS::DomainTodo<N>&, LibLSS::SliceOperation) [with long unsigned int N = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Allocated 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void LibLSS::mpiDomainRun(LibLSS::MPI_Communication*, LibLSS::Domain<T, N>&, LibLSS::Domain<T, N>&, const LibLSS::DomainTodo<N>&) [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 3; LibLSS::Domain<T, N> = boost::multi_array_ref<double, 3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Local copy
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Allocated 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x8
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void pushSlice(std::shared_ptr<LibLSS::UninitializedArray<boost::multi_array_ref<T, NumDims>, LibLSS::track_allocator<T> > >, LibLSS::Domain<T, N>&, const typename LibLSS::DomainSpec<N>::DomainLimit_t&, LibLSS::SliceOperation) [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 3; LibLSS::Domain<T, N> = boost::multi_array_ref<double, 3>; typename LibLSS::DomainSpec<N>::DomainLimit_t = std::array<long int, 6>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | tmp_slice ((0 - 8, 0 - 8, 0 - 8, ))
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | output ((0 - 8, 0 - 8, 0 - 8, ))
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | sliced output ((0 - 8, 0 - 8, 0 - 8, ))
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x8
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | output[0] = 6.94673e-310
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Now process
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::setRequestedIO(LibLSS::PreferredIO) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::applyProtection() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Allocated 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Protecting a ArrayRef
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Want fourier
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x5
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transformOutputFourierToReal() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Allocated 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering FFTW_Manager::create_c2r_plan
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering FFTW_Manager::execute_c2r
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering FFTW_Manager::destroy_plan
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Freeing 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Copying back from protection a ArrayRef (0x563e9f23a480 <- 0x563e9f2400c0)
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x8
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | hold_original use_count = 1
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::TiledArrayRepresentation<T, Nd>::~TiledArrayRepresentation() [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering Initializing peer system
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Comm size is 1
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0 MB
15: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Setup FWD
15: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Entering BORGForwardModel::setup
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 2.28882e-05 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Freeing 0 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering Initializing peer system
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Comm size is 1
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering Initializing peer system
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Comm size is 1
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/forward_model.cpp]void LibLSS::BORGForwardModel::setupDefault()
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering FFTW_Manager::create_r2c_plan
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering FFTW_Manager::create_c2r_plan
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::shallowMove() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/forward_model.cpp]virtual void LibLSS::BORGForwardModel::forwardModel_v3(LibLSS::GeneralIO::details::Input)
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p check_io(LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p = std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::shallowAlias(LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p = std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering HadesLinear::forwardModel_v2
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | D_init=0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_input::ModelInputBase<Nd, Super>::setRequestedIO(LibLSS::PreferredIO) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x8
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::shallowMove() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/forward_model.cpp]virtual LibLSS::GeneralIO::details::Output LibLSS::BORGForwardModel::getResultForward_v3(LibLSS::GeneralIO::details::Output)
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p check_io(LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p = std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::shallowAlias(LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p = std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::setRequestedIO(LibLSS::PreferredIO) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x8
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::shallowMove() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p check_io(LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p = std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::shallowAlias(LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p = std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering HadesLinear::adjointModel_v2
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_input::ModelInputBase<Nd, Super>::setRequestedIO(LibLSS::PreferredIO) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x8
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::shallowMove() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p check_io(LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p = std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::shallowAlias(LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p = std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/hades_pt.cpp]virtual void LibLSS::HadesLinear::getAdjointModelOutput(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputAdjoint<3>)
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::setRequestedIO(LibLSS::PreferredIO) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x8
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::shallowMove() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p check_io(LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p = std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation>]
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | Invalid attempted conversion from INPUT
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  0# LibLSS::Console::print_stack_trace() in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  1# void LibLSS::error_helper<LibLSS::ErrorParams>(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  2# auto check_io<3ul>(std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> >&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&)::{lambda(auto:1 const&)#1}::operator()<LibLSS::detail_input::ModelInput<3ul, {lambda(auto:1 const&)#1}::operator()::ModelInputBase<3ul, LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3ul> > > >(LibLSS::detail_input::ModelInput<3ul, {lambda(auto:1 const&)#1}::operator()::ModelInputBase<3ul, LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3ul> > > const&) const in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  3# std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> > check_io<3ul>(std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> >&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  4# std::_Function_handler<std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> > (std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> >&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&), std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> > (*)(std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> >&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&)>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> >&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  5# LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation::transform_from_adjoint(std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> >&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&&) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  6# LibLSS::GeneralIO::details::InputAdjoint::request(LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  7# LibLSS::BORGForwardModel::adjointModel_v3(LibLSS::GeneralIO::details::InputAdjoint) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  8# test_api_v3::test_method() in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  9# test_api_v3_invoker() in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 10# boost::detail::function::function_obj_invoker0<boost::detail::forward, int>::invoke(boost::detail::function::function_buffer&) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 11# boost::execution_monitor::catch_signals(boost::function<int ()> const&) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 12# boost::execution_monitor::execute(boost::function<int ()> const&) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 13# boost::execution_monitor::vexecute(boost::function<void ()> const&) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 14# boost::unit_test::unit_test_monitor_t::execute_and_translate(boost::function<void ()> const&, unsigned long) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 15# boost::unit_test::framework::state::execute_test_tree(unsigned long, unsigned long, boost::unit_test::framework::state::random_generator_helper const*) [clone .isra.0] in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 16# boost::unit_test::framework::state::execute_test_tree(unsigned long, unsigned long, boost::unit_test::framework::state::random_generator_helper const*) [clone .isra.0] in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 17# boost::unit_test::framework::run(unsigned long, bool) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 18# boost::unit_test::unit_test_main(bool (*)(), int, char**) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 19# main in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 20# __libc_start_main in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 21# _start in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::shallowMove() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p check_io(LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p = std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation>]
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | Invalid attempted conversion from OUTPUT
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  0# LibLSS::Console::print_stack_trace() in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  1# void LibLSS::error_helper<LibLSS::ErrorParams>(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  2# auto check_io<3ul>(std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> >&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&)::{lambda(auto:1 const&)#1}::operator()<LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutput<3ul, {lambda(auto:1 const&)#1}::operator()::ModelOutputBase<3ul, LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3ul> > > >(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutput<3ul, {lambda(auto:1 const&)#1}::operator()::ModelOutputBase<3ul, LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3ul> > > const&) const in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  3# std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> > check_io<3ul>(std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> >&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  4# std::_Function_handler<std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> > (std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> >&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&), std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> > (*)(std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> >&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&)>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> >&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  5# LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation::transform_from_adjoint(std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation, std::default_delete<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> >&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&&) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  6# LibLSS::GeneralIO::details::OutputAdjoint::request(LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  7# LibLSS::BORGForwardModel::getResultAdjoint_v3(LibLSS::GeneralIO::details::OutputAdjoint) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  8# test_api_v3::test_method() in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] |  9# test_api_v3_invoker() in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 10# boost::detail::function::function_obj_invoker0<boost::detail::forward, int>::invoke(boost::detail::function::function_buffer&) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 11# boost::execution_monitor::catch_signals(boost::function<int ()> const&) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 12# boost::execution_monitor::execute(boost::function<int ()> const&) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 13# boost::execution_monitor::vexecute(boost::function<void ()> const&) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 14# boost::unit_test::unit_test_monitor_t::execute_and_translate(boost::function<void ()> const&, unsigned long) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 15# boost::unit_test::framework::state::execute_test_tree(unsigned long, unsigned long, boost::unit_test::framework::state::random_generator_helper const*) [clone .isra.0] in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 16# boost::unit_test::framework::state::execute_test_tree(unsigned long, unsigned long, boost::unit_test::framework::state::random_generator_helper const*) [clone .isra.0] in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 17# boost::unit_test::framework::run(unsigned long, bool) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 18# boost::unit_test::unit_test_main(bool (*)(), int, char**) in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 19# main in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 20# __libc_start_main in /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 21# _start in /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_representation
15: [  0/  1] [ERROR  ] | 
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering FFTW_Manager::destroy_plan
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering FFTW_Manager::destroy_plan
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 2.28882e-05 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering Initializing peer system
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Comm size is 1
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0 MB
15: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Setup FWD
15: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Entering BORGForwardModel::setup
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 2.28882e-05 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Freeing 0 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering Initializing peer system
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Comm size is 1
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering Initializing peer system
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Comm size is 1
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/forward_model.cpp]void LibLSS::BORGForwardModel::setupDefault()
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering FFTW_Manager::create_r2c_plan
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering FFTW_Manager::create_c2r_plan
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/tiled_array.cpp]void LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::setLocalTile(LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType) [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType = std::array<long int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType = std::array<long unsigned int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType = std::array<short unsigned int, 3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void LibLSS::computeCompleteDomainSpec(LibLSS::MPI_Communication*, LibLSS::CompleteDomainSpec<N>&, const LibLSS::DomainSpec<N>&) [with long unsigned int N = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | domainPerNodes[0]=6,  displs[0]=0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/tiled_array.cpp]void LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::setLocalTile(LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType) [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType = std::array<long int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType = std::array<long unsigned int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType = std::array<short unsigned int, 3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void LibLSS::computeCompleteDomainSpec(LibLSS::MPI_Communication*, LibLSS::CompleteDomainSpec<N>&, const LibLSS::DomainSpec<N>&) [with long unsigned int N = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | domainPerNodes[0]=6,  displs[0]=0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> LibLSS::DataRepresentation::TiledArrayRepresentation<T, Nd>::shallowMove() [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/forward_model.cpp]virtual void LibLSS::BORGForwardModel::forwardModel_v3(LibLSS::GeneralIO::details::Input)
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p converter_tiled_io(LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&, bool) [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p = std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/tiled_array.cpp]void LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::setLocalTile(LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType) [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType = std::array<long int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType = std::array<long unsigned int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType = std::array<short unsigned int, 3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void LibLSS::computeCompleteDomainSpec(LibLSS::MPI_Communication*, LibLSS::CompleteDomainSpec<N>&, const LibLSS::DomainSpec<N>&) [with long unsigned int N = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | domainPerNodes[0]=6,  displs[0]=0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void LibLSS::mpiDomainComputeTodo(LibLSS::MPI_Communication*, const LibLSS::CompleteDomainSpec<N>&, const LibLSS::CompleteDomainSpec<N>&, LibLSS::DomainTodo<N>&, LibLSS::SliceOperation) [with long unsigned int N = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Allocated 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void LibLSS::mpiDomainRun(LibLSS::MPI_Communication*, LibLSS::Domain<T, N>&, LibLSS::Domain<T, N>&, const LibLSS::DomainTodo<N>&) [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 3; LibLSS::Domain<T, N> = boost::multi_array_ref<double, 3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Local copy
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Allocated 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x8
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void pushSlice(std::shared_ptr<LibLSS::UninitializedArray<boost::multi_array_ref<T, NumDims>, LibLSS::track_allocator<T> > >, LibLSS::Domain<T, N>&, const typename LibLSS::DomainSpec<N>::DomainLimit_t&, LibLSS::SliceOperation) [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 3; LibLSS::Domain<T, N> = boost::multi_array_ref<double, 3>; typename LibLSS::DomainSpec<N>::DomainLimit_t = std::array<long int, 6>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | | tmp_slice ((0 - 8, 0 - 8, 0 - 8, ))
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | | output ((0 - 8, 0 - 8, 0 - 8, ))
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | | sliced output ((0 - 8, 0 - 8, 0 - 8, ))
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x8
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | | output[0] = 6.94673e-310
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Now process
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering HadesLinear::forwardModel_v2
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | D_init=0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_input::ModelInputBase<Nd, Super>::setRequestedIO(LibLSS::PreferredIO) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x8
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::TiledArrayRepresentation<T, Nd>::~TiledArrayRepresentation() [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::TiledArrayRepresentation<T, Nd>::~TiledArrayRepresentation() [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> LibLSS::DataRepresentation::TiledArrayRepresentation<T, Nd>::shallowMove() [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/forward_model.cpp]virtual LibLSS::GeneralIO::details::Output LibLSS::BORGForwardModel::getResultForward_v3(LibLSS::GeneralIO::details::Output)
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p converter_tiled_io(LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&, bool) [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p = std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/tiled_array.cpp]void LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::setLocalTile(LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType) [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType = std::array<long int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType = std::array<long unsigned int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType = std::array<short unsigned int, 3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void LibLSS::computeCompleteDomainSpec(LibLSS::MPI_Communication*, LibLSS::CompleteDomainSpec<N>&, const LibLSS::DomainSpec<N>&) [with long unsigned int N = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | domainPerNodes[0]=6,  displs[0]=0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void LibLSS::mpiDomainComputeTodo(LibLSS::MPI_Communication*, const LibLSS::CompleteDomainSpec<N>&, const LibLSS::CompleteDomainSpec<N>&, LibLSS::DomainTodo<N>&, LibLSS::SliceOperation) [with long unsigned int N = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Allocated 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void LibLSS::mpiDomainRun(LibLSS::MPI_Communication*, LibLSS::Domain<T, N>&, LibLSS::Domain<T, N>&, const LibLSS::DomainTodo<N>&) [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 3; LibLSS::Domain<T, N> = boost::multi_array_ref<double, 3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Local copy
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Allocated 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x8
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void pushSlice(std::shared_ptr<LibLSS::UninitializedArray<boost::multi_array_ref<T, NumDims>, LibLSS::track_allocator<T> > >, LibLSS::Domain<T, N>&, const typename LibLSS::DomainSpec<N>::DomainLimit_t&, LibLSS::SliceOperation) [with T = double; long unsigned int N = 3; LibLSS::Domain<T, N> = boost::multi_array_ref<double, 3>; typename LibLSS::DomainSpec<N>::DomainLimit_t = std::array<long int, 6>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | | tmp_slice ((0 - 8, 0 - 8, 0 - 8, ))
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | | output ((0 - 8, 0 - 8, 0 - 8, ))
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | | sliced output ((0 - 8, 0 - 8, 0 - 8, ))
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x8
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | | output[0] = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Now process
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::setRequestedIO(LibLSS::PreferredIO) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x8
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | hold_original use_count = 3
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | hold_original use_count = 2
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::TiledArrayRepresentation<T, Nd>::~TiledArrayRepresentation() [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::TiledArrayRepresentation<T, Nd>::~TiledArrayRepresentation() [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering FFTW_Manager::destroy_plan
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering FFTW_Manager::destroy_plan
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 2.28882e-05 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0 MB
15: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Setup FWD
15: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Entering BORGForwardModel::setup
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 2.28882e-05 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Freeing 0 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering Initializing peer system
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Comm size is 1
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0 MB
15: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Setup FWD
15: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Entering BORGForwardModel::setup
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 2.28882e-05 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Freeing 0 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering Initializing peer system
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Comm size is 1
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering Initializing peer system
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Comm size is 1
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/forward_model.cpp]void LibLSS::BORGForwardModel::setupDefault()
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering FFTW_Manager::create_r2c_plan
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering FFTW_Manager::create_c2r_plan
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation> LibLSS::DataRepresentation::TiledArrayRepresentation<T, Nd>::shallowMove() [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/chain_forward_model.cpp]virtual void LibLSS::ChainForwardModel::forwardModel_v3(LibLSS::GeneralIO::details::Input)
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/forward_model.cpp]virtual void LibLSS::BORGForwardModel::forwardModel_v3(LibLSS::GeneralIO::details::Input)
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p converter_tiled_io(LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p&&, LibLSS::DataRepresentation::Descriptor&, bool) [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation_p = std::unique_ptr<LibLSS::DataRepresentation::AbstractRepresentation>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/tiled_array.cpp]void LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::setLocalTile(LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType, LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType) [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::IndexType = std::array<long int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::DimType = std::array<long unsigned int, 3>; LibLSS::TiledArray<T, Nd>::PaddingType = std::array<short unsigned int, 3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tools/domains.cpp]void LibLSS::computeCompleteDomainSpec(LibLSS::MPI_Communication*, LibLSS::CompleteDomainSpec<N>&, const LibLSS::DomainSpec<N>&) [with long unsigned int N = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | | domainPerNodes[0]=6,  displs[0]=0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | | Allocated 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io/base.hpp]void LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>::transfer(LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<Nd>&&) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Entering HadesLinear::forwardModel_v2
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | D_init=0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_input::ModelInputBase<Nd, Super>::setRequestedIO(LibLSS::PreferredIO) [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | | Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 8x8x8
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::ModelIORepresentation<Nd>::~ModelIORepresentation() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::TiledArrayRepresentation<T, Nd>::~TiledArrayRepresentation() [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/data/data_representation.cpp]LibLSS::DataRepresentation::TiledArrayRepresentation<T, Nd>::~TiledArrayRepresentation() [with T = double; long unsigned int Nd = 3]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering FFTW_Manager::destroy_plan
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering FFTW_Manager::destroy_plan
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 2.28882e-05 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.00390625 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.00488281 MB
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::~ModelOutputBase() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | hold_original use_count = 0
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/hades/libLSS/physics/model_io.cpp]void LibLSS::detail_output::ModelOutputBase<Nd, Super>::close() [with long unsigned int Nd = 3; Super = LibLSS::detail_model::ModelIO<3>]
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 2.28882e-05 MB
15: *** No errors detected
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] CLEANUP: Memory allocated database
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Writing memory report
15: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] CLEANUP: Timing database
15/26 Test #15: representation ......................   Passed    0.04 sec
test 16
      Start 16: test_cosmo_expansion

16: Test command: /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_cosmo_expansion_exe
16: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
16: Initializing console.
16: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Initialize GSL error reporter
16: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] INIT: Timing database
16: [  0/  1] [INFO   ] libLSS version v2.0.0alpha-576-gb8a695e1 built-in modules ares_fg;ares_fg@tmp;borg;borg@tmp;hades;hades@tmp;hmclet;hmclet@tmp;python;python@tmp
16: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/physics/cosmo.cpp]void LibLSS::Cosmology::precompute_com2a()
16: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
16: 0 0 -0 1
16: 0.01 0.0100009 29.9566 1
16: 0.02 0.0200007 59.8676 1
16: 0.03 0.0300005 89.7322 1
16: 0.04 0.0400004 119.55 1
16: 0.05 0.0500002 149.32 1
16: 0.06 0.0600002 179.041 1
16: 0.07 0.0700001 208.713 1
16: 0.08 0.0800001 238.336 1
16: 0.09 0.0900002 267.908 1
16: 0.1 0.1 297.429 1
16: 0.11 0.11 326.898 1
16: 0.12 0.12 356.314 1
16: 0.13 0.13 385.678 1
16: 0.14 0.14 414.987 1
16: 0.15 0.15 444.243 1
16: 0.16 0.16 473.443 1
16: 0.17 0.17 502.587 1
16: 0.18 0.18 531.675 1
16: 0.19 0.19 560.706 1
16: 0.2 0.2 589.679 1
16: 0.21 0.21 618.594 1
16: 0.22 0.22 647.45 1
16: 0.23 0.23 676.246 1
16: 0.24 0.24 704.983 1
16: 0.25 0.25 733.659 1
16: 0.26 0.26 762.273 1
16: 0.27 0.27 790.826 1
16: 0.28 0.28 819.316 1
16: 0.29 0.29 847.743 1
16: 0.3 0.3 876.106 1
16: 0.31 0.31 904.406 1
16: 0.32 0.32 932.64 1
16: 0.33 0.33 960.81 1
16: 0.34 0.34 988.913 1
16: 0.35 0.35 1016.95 1
16: 0.36 0.36 1044.92 1
16: 0.37 0.37 1072.82 1
16: 0.38 0.38 1100.66 1
16: 0.39 0.39 1128.43 1
16: 0.4 0.4 1156.13 1
16: 0.41 0.41 1183.75 1
16: 0.42 0.42 1211.31 1
16: 0.43 0.43 1238.8 1
16: 0.44 0.44 1266.22 1
16: 0.45 0.45 1293.57 1
16: 0.46 0.46 1320.85 1
16: 0.47 0.47 1348.05 1
16: 0.48 0.48 1375.18 1
16: 0.49 0.49 1402.24 1
16: 0.5 0.5 1429.23 1
16: 0.51 0.51 1456.14 1
16: 0.52 0.52 1482.98 1
16: 0.53 0.53 1509.74 1
16: 0.54 0.54 1536.43 1
16: 0.55 0.55 1563.05 1
16: 0.56 0.56 1589.59 1
16: 0.57 0.57 1616.05 1
16: 0.58 0.58 1642.44 1
16: 0.59 0.59 1668.75 1
16: 0.6 0.6 1694.99 1
16: 0.61 0.61 1721.14 1
16: 0.62 0.62 1747.23 1
16: 0.63 0.63 1773.23 1
16: 0.64 0.64 1799.16 1
16: 0.65 0.65 1825.01 1
16: 0.66 0.66 1850.78 1
16: 0.67 0.67 1876.47 1
16: 0.68 0.68 1902.08 1
16: 0.69 0.69 1927.62 1
16: 0.7 0.7 1953.07 1
16: 0.71 0.71 1978.45 1
16: 0.72 0.72 2003.75 1
16: 0.73 0.73 2028.96 1
16: 0.74 0.74 2054.1 1
16: 0.75 0.75 2079.16 1
16: 0.76 0.76 2104.14 1
16: 0.77 0.77 2129.04 1
16: 0.78 0.78 2153.85 1
16: 0.79 0.79 2178.59 1
16: 0.8 0.8 2203.25 1
16: 0.81 0.81 2227.82 1
16: 0.82 0.82 2252.32 1
16: 0.83 0.83 2276.73 1
16: 0.84 0.84 2301.06 1
16: 0.85 0.85 2325.32 1
16: 0.86 0.86 2349.49 1
16: 0.87 0.87 2373.58 1
16: 0.88 0.88 2397.59 1
16: 0.89 0.89 2421.51 1
16: 0.9 0.9 2445.36 1
16: 0.91 0.91 2469.13 1
16: 0.92 0.92 2492.81 1
16: 0.93 0.93 2516.41 1
16: 0.94 0.94 2539.93 1
16: 0.95 0.95 2563.37 1
16: 0.96 0.96 2586.73 1
16: 0.97 0.97 2610.01 1
16: 0.98 0.98 2633.21 1
16: 0.99 0.99 2656.32 1
16: 1 1 2679.35 1
16: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/physics/cosmo.cpp]void LibLSS::Cosmology::precompute_d_plus()
16: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
16: 0.8794390.879439
16: 0 1 1 1
16: 0.01 0.997265 0.997265 1
16: 0.02 0.994523 0.994523 1
16: 0.03 0.991773 0.991773 1
16: 0.04 0.989015 0.989016 1
16: 0.05 0.986251 0.986251 1
16: 0.06 0.983481 0.983481 1
16: 0.07 0.980704 0.980704 1
16: 0.08 0.977921 0.977921 1
16: 0.09 0.975132 0.975132 1
16: 0.1 0.972339 0.972339 1
16: 0.11 0.96954 0.96954 1
16: 0.12 0.966736 0.966736 1
16: 0.13 0.963929 0.963929 1
16: 0.14 0.961117 0.961117 1
16: 0.15 0.958301 0.958301 1
16: 0.16 0.955482 0.955482 1
16: 0.17 0.95266 0.95266 1
16: 0.18 0.949835 0.949835 1
16: 0.19 0.947007 0.947007 1
16: 0.2 0.944177 0.944177 1
16: 0.21 0.941345 0.941345 1
16: 0.22 0.938511 0.938511 1
16: 0.23 0.935675 0.935675 1
16: 0.24 0.932839 0.932839 1
16: 0.25 0.930001 0.930001 1
16: 0.26 0.927163 0.927163 1
16: 0.27 0.924324 0.924324 1
16: 0.28 0.921485 0.921485 1
16: 0.29 0.918646 0.918646 1
16: 0.3 0.915807 0.915807 1
16: 0.31 0.912969 0.912969 1
16: 0.32 0.910132 0.910132 1
16: 0.33 0.907295 0.907295 1
16: 0.34 0.90446 0.90446 1
16: 0.35 0.901627 0.901627 1
16: 0.36 0.898795 0.898795 1
16: 0.37 0.895965 0.895965 1
16: 0.38 0.893137 0.893137 1
16: 0.39 0.890311 0.890312 1
16: 0.4 0.887489 0.887489 1
16: 0.41 0.884668 0.884669 1
16: 0.42 0.881851 0.881851 1
16: 0.43 0.879037 0.879038 1
16: 0.44 0.876227 0.876227 1
16: 0.45 0.87342 0.87342 1
16: 0.46 0.870617 0.870617 1
16: 0.47 0.867817 0.867817 1
16: 0.48 0.865022 0.865022 1
16: 0.49 0.862231 0.862231 1
16: 0.5 0.859445 0.859445 1
16: 0.51 0.856663 0.856663 1
16: 0.52 0.853887 0.853887 1
16: 0.53 0.851115 0.851115 1
16: 0.54 0.848348 0.848348 1
16: 0.55 0.845586 0.845587 1
16: 0.56 0.842831 0.842831 1
16: 0.57 0.84008 0.84008 1
16: 0.58 0.837336 0.837336 1
16: 0.59 0.834597 0.834597 1
16: 0.6 0.831864 0.831865 1
16: 0.61 0.829138 0.829138 1
16: 0.62 0.826418 0.826418 1
16: 0.63 0.823704 0.823704 1
16: 0.64 0.820997 0.820997 1
16: 0.65 0.818297 0.818297 1
16: 0.66 0.815603 0.815603 1
16: 0.67 0.812917 0.812917 1
16: 0.68 0.810237 0.810237 1
16: 0.69 0.807565 0.807565 1
16: 0.7 0.8049 0.8049 1
16: 0.71 0.802242 0.802242 1
16: 0.72 0.799592 0.799592 1
16: 0.73 0.79695 0.79695 1
16: 0.74 0.794315 0.794315 1
16: 0.75 0.791688 0.791688 1
16: 0.76 0.789068 0.789068 1
16: 0.77 0.786457 0.786457 1
16: 0.78 0.783854 0.783854 1
16: 0.79 0.781259 0.781259 1
16: 0.8 0.778672 0.778672 1
16: 0.81 0.776093 0.776093 1
16: 0.82 0.773523 0.773523 1
16: 0.83 0.770961 0.770961 1
16: 0.84 0.768408 0.768408 1
16: 0.85 0.765863 0.765863 1
16: 0.86 0.763327 0.763327 1
16: 0.87 0.7608 0.7608 1
16: 0.88 0.758281 0.758281 1
16: 0.89 0.755772 0.755772 1
16: 0.9 0.753271 0.753271 1
16: 0.91 0.750779 0.750779 1
16: 0.92 0.748296 0.748296 1
16: 0.93 0.745822 0.745822 1
16: 0.94 0.743357 0.743357 1
16: 0.95 0.740901 0.740901 1
16: 0.96 0.738454 0.738454 1
16: 0.97 0.736017 0.736017 1
16: 0.98 0.733588 0.733588 1
16: 0.99 0.731169 0.731169 1
16: 1 0.72876 0.72876 1
16: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] CLEANUP: Timing database
16/26 Test #16: test_cosmo_expansion ................   Passed    0.64 sec
test 17
      Start 17: test_auto_interpolator_exe.output

17: Test command: /usr/bin/cmake "-D" "test_cmd=/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_auto_interpolator_exe" "-D" "test_args:string=" "-D" "output_blessed=/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/tests/test_auto_interpolator.cpp.expected" "-D" "output_test=/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/_test_dir/test_auto_interpolator_exe.out" "-P" "/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/cmake_modules/run_test.cmake"
17: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
17: ARGUMENTS: /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_auto_interpolator_exe 
17/26 Test #17: test_auto_interpolator_exe.output ...   Passed    0.06 sec
test 18
      Start 18: test_overload

18: Test command: /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_overload
18: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
18: Running 2 test cases...
18: *** No errors detected
18/26 Test #18: test_overload .......................   Passed    0.00 sec
test 19
      Start 19: test_mpi_types

19: Test command: /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_mpi_types
19: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
19: Running 1 test case...
19: *** No errors detected
19: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] CLEANUP: Timing database
19/26 Test #19: test_mpi_types ......................   Passed    0.01 sec
test 20
      Start 20: test_fuse_wrapper

20: Test command: /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_fuse_wrapper
20: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
20: Running 4 test cases...
20: 10 composite multiply, sum and reduce: 0.000311s wall, 0.000000s user + 0.000000s system = 0.000000s CPU (n/a%)
20:  234057
20: Composite multiply, cos, square and reduce: 0.000271s wall, 0.010000s user + 0.000000s system = 0.010000s CPU (n/a%)
20: Composite multiply, cos, abs and reduce: 0.000058s wall, 0.000000s user + 0.000000s system = 0.000000s CPU (n/a%)
20: Composite multiply, cos and assign: 0.000057s wall, 0.000000s user + 0.000000s system = 0.000000s CPU (n/a%)
20: 16384
20: Composite square and reduce: 0.000036s wall, 0.000000s user + 0.000000s system = 0.000000s CPU (n/a%)
20: *** No errors detected
20/26 Test #20: test_fuse_wrapper ...................   Passed    0.03 sec
test 21
      Start 21: test_supersampling

21: Test command: /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_supersampling
21: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
21: Initializing console.
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] INIT: Memory allocated database
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] INIT: Timing database
21: [  0/  1] [INFO   ] libLSS version v2.0.0alpha-576-gb8a695e1 built-in modules ares_fg;ares_fg@tmp;borg;borg@tmp;hades;hades@tmp;hmclet;hmclet@tmp;python;python@tmp
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] INIT: FFTW/WISDOM
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering Initializing peer system
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Comm size is 1
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering Initializing peer system
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Comm size is 1
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.0351562 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.265625 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.265625 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.0351562 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.0351562 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.0351562 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.265625 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.265625 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.0351562 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.0351562 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.265625 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.265625 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.0351562 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.265625 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.265625 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.0351562 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 0.0351562 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering FFTW_Manager::create_r2c_plan
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering FFTW_Manager::create_c2r_plan
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering FFTW_Manager::create_r2c_plan
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering FFTW_Manager::create_c2r_plan
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 0
21: [  0/  1] [INFO   ] Initializing 64 threaded random number generators
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 4293858116
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 699692587
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1213834231
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 4068197670
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 994957275
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2082945813
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 4112332215
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3196767107
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2319469851
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3178073856
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3263933760
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2828822719
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1355653262
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3454884641
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2231974739
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 724013039
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2042384640
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1684975774
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 952055467
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 915646049
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 130288710
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1432540170
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 833862964
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 4053232710
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2490787578
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3858189986
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2858575319
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2141514974
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2407880030
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 782906591
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1273567457
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 504267529
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 270229317
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2783678147
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3115648856
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2736457488
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3066112996
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 427676708
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3003329739
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 463051032
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 555093390
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2157804620
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 892407903
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1240860315
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 357233022
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 550289315
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2350942309
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 353559988
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1254737873
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3829494791
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 975463691
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1854762139
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 604443636
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1719671125
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2950414474
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 733025979
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1893311210
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 194719064
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1337007917
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2174031062
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 783448592
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2194865793
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3181661115
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1571909183
21: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] MPI: Changing random number generation seed with 2012145
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2012145
21: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] THREADED: Changing random number generation seed with 3928307629
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3928307629
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1906104407
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1497171624
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1662689450
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3478993655
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3505580556
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2935944562
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 479057796
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 385817928
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 4135224312
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3099991716
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 249316727
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3439687582
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3488244536
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3254429843
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1848201602
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 216738373
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 4096773752
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3070126090
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3315379412
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3412131650
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 345847972
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 216280923
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 922645015
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 4113530763
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 753783729
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 455466607
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 997074719
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2537597494
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 988018055
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 250430956
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3121364547
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2157941100
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3292958372
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 117766798
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3388139548
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3144349922
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3435964991
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 629710503
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2777545486
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1827790115
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1720718058
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2494789611
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1899201003
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 291649848
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3163827191
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3136262412
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 983825762
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2991876992
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2300849349
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1941466076
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1171694111
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3938911175
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3504665663
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2092766296
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2677592055
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3129182536
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2050461129
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1671659487
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 1921256229
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 10811432
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3698310738
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 3825247216
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 831721617
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] GSL: Changing random number generation seed with 2142445352
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] ff = -7.59799e-06
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 16x16x16
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering FFTW_Manager::execute_r2c
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering Upgrading modes
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Going from (16,16,16) to (32,32,32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering Degrading modes
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Going from (32,32,32) to (16,16,16)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 0 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 31 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 30 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 29 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 28 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 27 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 26 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 25 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 24 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 0 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 1 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 2 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 3 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 4 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 5 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 6 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 7 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 8 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 8 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 7 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 6 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 5 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 4 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 3 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 2 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 1 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 24 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 25 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 26 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 27 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 28 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 29 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 30 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 31 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 32x32x17
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering FFTW_Manager::execute_c2r
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 32x32x32
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 32x32x32
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 32x32x32
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 32x32x32
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering FFTW_Manager::execute_r2c
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 32x32x17
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering Degrading modes
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Going from (32,32,32) to (16,16,16)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 0 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 31 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 30 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 29 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 28 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 27 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 26 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 25 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 24 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 0 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 1 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 2 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 3 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 4 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 5 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 6 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 7 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 8 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 8 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 7 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 6 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 5 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 4 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 3 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 2 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 1 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 24 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 25 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 26 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 27 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 28 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 29 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 30 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Copying line 31 (sz=32 -> 32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering Upgrading modes
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Going from (16,16,16) to (32,32,32)
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Using optimized 3-loop collapsed omp, 0x0x0 -- 16x16x9
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering FFTW_Manager::execute_c2r
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
21: [  0/  1] [INFO   ] Cleaning up parallel random number generators
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.0351562 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.0351562 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.265625 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.265625 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.03125 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.25 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.25 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.03125 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.03125 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.25 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.25 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.03125 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.03125 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.0351562 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.265625 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.265625 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 0.0351562 MB
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] CLEANUP: FFTW/WISDOM
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] CLEANUP: Memory allocated database
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Writing memory report
21: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] CLEANUP: Timing database
21/26 Test #21: test_supersampling ..................   Passed    0.04 sec
test 22
      Start 22: test_gradient_supersampling

22: Test command: /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_gradient_supersampling
22: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
22: Initializing console.
22: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] INIT: SIGCATCHER
22: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] INIT: Memory allocated database
22: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] INIT: Timing database
22: [  0/  1] [INFO   ] libLSS version v2.0.0alpha-576-gb8a695e1 built-in modules ares_fg;ares_fg@tmp;borg;borg@tmp;hades;hades@tmp;hmclet;hmclet@tmp;python;python@tmp
22: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] INIT: FFTW/WISDOM
22: [  0/  1] [INFO   ] Initializing 64 threaded random number generators
22: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] MPI: Changing random number generation seed with 97249
22: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] THREADED: Changing random number generation seed with 2460225869
22: [  0/  1] [INFO   ] Cleaning up parallel random number generators
22/26 Test #22: test_gradient_supersampling .........   Passed    0.05 sec
test 23
      Start 23: test_markov_state

23: Test command: /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_markov_state
23: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
23: Running 1 test case...
23: *** No errors detected
23/26 Test #23: test_markov_state ...................   Passed    0.01 sec
test 24
      Start 24: test_multi_chain

24: Test command: /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_multi_chain
24: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
24: Running 3 test cases...
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 7.62939e-05 MB
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Creating array which is UNALIGNED
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 7.62939e-05 MB
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Creating array which is UNALIGNED
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering saveState
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Saving array
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering saveTo(): saving variable array
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | partialSave or rank==0
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering saveState
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Saving array
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Saving array2
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering saveTo(): saving variable array2
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | partialSave or rank==0
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Destroying array
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Destroying array
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 7.62939e-05 MB
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Destroying array2
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 7.62939e-05 MB
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Allocated 7.62939e-05 MB
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Creating array which is UNALIGNED
24: [  0/  1] [INFO   ] Entering restoration of MCMC state
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/samplers/core/main_loop.cpp]void LibLSS::MainLoop::finalizeGraph()
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | | Sampler ordering:
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | Done
24: [  0/  1] [INFO   ] | Initialize variables
24: [  0/  1] [INFO   ] | Load markov state from file
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] | Restoring array
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering loadFrom full
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | loadFrom(reassembly=0,partialLoad=0,autoresize=0): loading variable array
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | partialSave or rank==0
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] | Restoring array
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Entering loadFrom full
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | loadFrom(reassembly=0,partialLoad=0,autoresize=0): loading variable array
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | | partialSave or rank==0
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] | Restoring array
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] | Restoring array
24: [  0/  1] [INFO   ] Done
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/samplers/core/main_loop.cpp]LibLSS::BlockSampler& LibLSS::BlockSampler::operator<<(std::shared_ptr<LibLSS::MarkovSampler>&&)
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/samplers/core/main_loop.cpp]void LibLSS::MainLoop::finalizeGraph()
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | Sampler ordering:
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] |   run_order[0] = 0 (name="")
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] Done
24: [---/---] [STD    ] Entering Initializing samplers
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/samplers/core/main_loop.cpp]void LibLSS::MainLoop::finalizeGraph()
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | | Sampler ordering:
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | |   run_order[0] = 0 (name="")
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | Done
24: [---/---] [STD    ] Done
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Destroying array
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Destroying array
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Freeing 7.62939e-05 MB
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/samplers/core/main_loop.cpp]LibLSS::BlockSampler& LibLSS::BlockSampler::operator<<(std::shared_ptr<LibLSS::MarkovSampler>&&)
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/samplers/core/main_loop.cpp]LibLSS::BlockSampler& LibLSS::BlockSampler::operator<<(std::shared_ptr<LibLSS::MarkovSampler>&&)
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/samplers/core/main_loop.cpp]LibLSS::BlockSampler& LibLSS::BlockSampler::operator<<(std::shared_ptr<LibLSS::MarkovSampler>&&)
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/samplers/core/main_loop.cpp]void LibLSS::MainLoop::finalizeGraph()
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | Sampler ordering:
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] |   run_order[0] = 1 (name="0")
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] |   run_order[1] = 2 (name="1")
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] |   run_order[2] = 0 (name="2")
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] Done
24: [---/---] [STD    ] Entering Initializing samplers
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/samplers/core/main_loop.cpp]void LibLSS::MainLoop::finalizeGraph()
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | | Sampler ordering:
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | |   run_order[0] = 1 (name="0")
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | |   run_order[1] = 2 (name="1")
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | |   run_order[2] = 0 (name="2")
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | Done
24: [---/---] [STD    ] Done
24: [---/---] [STD    ] Entering MainLoop::run
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] | running id=0
24: [---/---] [STD    ] | Main loop iteration 33 % (ETA 00:00:00, elapsed 00:00:00)
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] | running id=1
24: [---/---] [STD    ] | Main loop iteration 66 % (ETA 00:00:00, elapsed 00:00:00)
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] | running id=2
24: [---/---] [STD    ] | Main loop iteration 100 % (ETA 00:00:00, elapsed 00:00:00)
24: [---/---] [STD    ] Done
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Destroying dummy
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Destroying dummy_group
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/samplers/core/main_loop.cpp]LibLSS::BlockSampler& LibLSS::BlockSampler::operator<<(std::shared_ptr<LibLSS::MarkovSampler>&&)
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/samplers/core/main_loop.cpp]LibLSS::BlockSampler& LibLSS::BlockSampler::operator<<(std::shared_ptr<LibLSS::MarkovSampler>&&)
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/samplers/core/main_loop.cpp]LibLSS::BlockSampler& LibLSS::BlockSampler::operator<<(std::shared_ptr<LibLSS::MarkovSampler>&&)
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/samplers/core/main_loop.cpp]LibLSS::BlockSampler& LibLSS::BlockSampler::operator<<(std::shared_ptr<LibLSS::MarkovSampler>&&)
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Done
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/samplers/core/main_loop.cpp]void LibLSS::MainLoop::finalizeGraph()
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | Sampler ordering:
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] |   run_order[0] = 2 (name="0")
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] |   run_order[1] = 0 (name="1")
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] |   run_order[2] = 3 (name="1")
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] |   run_order[3] = 1 (name="2")
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] Done
24: [---/---] [STD    ] Entering Initializing samplers
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | Entering [/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/libLSS/samplers/core/main_loop.cpp]void LibLSS::MainLoop::finalizeGraph()
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | | Sampler ordering:
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | |   run_order[0] = 2 (name="0")
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | |   run_order[1] = 0 (name="1")
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | |   run_order[2] = 3 (name="1")
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | |   run_order[3] = 1 (name="2")
24: [---/---] [INFO S ] | Done
24: [---/---] [STD    ] Done
24: [---/---] [STD    ] Entering MainLoop::run
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] | running id=0
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] | running id=2
24: [---/---] [STD    ] | Main loop iteration 50 % (ETA 00:00:00, elapsed 00:00:00)
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] | running id=1
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] | running id=3
24: [---/---] [STD    ] | Main loop iteration 100 % (ETA 00:00:00, elapsed 00:00:00)
24: [---/---] [STD    ] Done
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Destroying dummy
24: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Destroying dummy_group
24: *** No errors detected
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] CLEANUP: Memory allocated database
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Writing memory report
24: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] CLEANUP: Timing database
24/26 Test #24: test_multi_chain ....................   Passed    0.02 sec
test 25
      Start 25: cg

25: Test command: /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/libLSS/tests/test_cg
25: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
25: Initializing console.
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] INIT: Memory allocated database
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] INIT: Timing database
25: [  0/  1] [INFO   ] libLSS version v2.0.0alpha-576-gb8a695e1 built-in modules ares_fg;ares_fg@tmp;borg;borg@tmp;hades;hades@tmp;hmclet;hmclet@tmp;python;python@tmp
25: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Entering CG::run
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 0.0152588 MB
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 0.0152588 MB
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Allocated 0.0152588 MB
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=5.23918e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 0.798153
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Refresh! 
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=0 residue is dnew=179118 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=4.2834e-05
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.999957
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=179118 / dcheck=179118 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=156026
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 1.148
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=1 residue is dnew=13249.4 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=3.16844e-06
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.92603
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=13249.4 / dcheck=13249.4 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=8828.76
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 1.50071
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=2 residue is dnew=2259.03 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=5.40222e-07
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.829499
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=2259.03 / dcheck=2259.03 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=1291.23
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 1.74951
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=3 residue is dnew=581.591 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=1.39081e-07
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.742548
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=581.591 / dcheck=581.591 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=301.062
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 1.9318
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=4 residue is dnew=191.883 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=4.58868e-08
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.670072
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=191.883 / dcheck=191.883 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=92.7199
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.06949
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=5 residue is dnew=74.6725 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=1.78571e-08
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.610844
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=74.6725 / dcheck=74.6725 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=34.32
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.17577
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=6 residue is dnew=32.6546 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=7.80899e-09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.562696
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=32.6546 / dcheck=32.6546 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=14.4558
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.25892
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=7 residue is dnew=15.5547 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=3.71974e-09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.52366
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=15.5547 / dcheck=15.5547 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=6.69186
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.32442
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=8 residue is dnew=7.89964 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=1.88911e-09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.492138
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=7.89964 / dcheck=7.89964 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=3.32466
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.37608
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=9 residue is dnew=4.21174 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=1.00719e-09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.466844
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=4.21174 / dcheck=4.21174 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=1.74278
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.41668
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=10 residue is dnew=2.33026 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=5.57256e-10
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.446722
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=2.33026 / dcheck=2.33026 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=0.951752
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.44839
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=11 residue is dnew=1.32619 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=3.17145e-10
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.430882
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=1.32619 / dcheck=1.32619 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=0.536283
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.47294
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=12 residue is dnew=0.771105 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=1.84401e-10
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.418557
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=0.771105 / dcheck=0.771105 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=0.309465
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.49174
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=13 residue is dnew=0.455655 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=1.08965e-10
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.409088
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=0.455655 / dcheck=0.455655 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=0.181827
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.50599
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=14 residue is dnew=0.272526 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=6.51715e-11
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.401904
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=0.272526 / dcheck=0.272526 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=0.108289
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.51666
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=15 residue is dnew=0.164463 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=3.93295e-11
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.396522
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=0.164463 / dcheck=0.164463 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=0.0651454
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.52456
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=16 residue is dnew=0.0999049 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=2.38912e-11
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.392539
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=0.0999049 / dcheck=0.0999049 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=0.0394828
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.53034
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=17 residue is dnew=0.0609796 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=1.45826e-11
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.389624
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=0.0609796 / dcheck=0.0609796 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=0.0240594
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.53454
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=18 residue is dnew=0.0373491 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=8.93163e-12
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.387514
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=0.0373491 / dcheck=0.0373491 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=0.0147186
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.53755
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=19 residue is dnew=0.0229323 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=5.48401e-12
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.386002
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=0.0229323 / dcheck=0.0229323 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=0.00902957
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.53969
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=20 residue is dnew=0.014105 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=3.37306e-12
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.384927
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=0.014105 / dcheck=0.014105 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=0.00555054
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.5412
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=21 residue is dnew=0.00868629 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=2.07723e-12
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.384171
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=0.00868629 / dcheck=0.00868629 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=0.00341676
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.54226
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=22 residue is dnew=0.00535387 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=1.28032e-12
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.383642
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=0.00535387 / dcheck=0.00535387 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dq=0.00210534
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | alpha = 2.54299
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | t=23 residue is dnew=0.00330186 / dinit=4.18167e+09 => ratio=7.89605e-13
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | beta - 1 =-0.383275
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | residue is dnew=0.00330186 / dcheck=0.00330186 / dinit=4.18167e+09
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | breaking at 7.89605e-13
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Done with CG
25: [---/---] [INFO S ] | applying conjugate gradient 100 % (ETA 00:00:00, elapsed 00:00:01)
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Freeing 0.0152588 MB
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Freeing 0.0152588 MB
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] | Freeing 0.0152588 MB
25: [  0/  1] [VERBOSE] Done
25: CG matrix inversion test passed!
25: Distance between truth and solution  = 0.614352
25: Largest deviation  = 0.33555 at element imax =1999
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] CLEANUP: Memory allocated database
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] Writing memory report
25: [  0/  1] [DEBUG  ] CLEANUP: Timing database
25/26 Test #25: cg ..................................   Passed    1.17 sec
test 26
      Start 26: python-tests

26: Test command: /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/jenkins-ares_multi_pipeline-main-189/bin/python3 "-m" "pytest" "/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/python/tests"
26: Environment variables: 
26:  BORG_PATH=/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/python/python
26:  BINARY_PATH=/work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/build/extra/python/python
26: Test timeout computed to be: 1500
26: ============================= test session starts ==============================
26: platform linux -- Python 3.9.2, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
26: rootdir: /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main
26: collected 19 items
26: ../../../../extra/python/tests/ .................              [ 89%]
26: ../../../../extra/python/tests/ .[INFO   ] Cleaning up parallel random number generators
26: .[INFO   ] Cleaning up parallel random number generators
26: [INFO S ] Cleaning up HMCDensitySampler
26:                         [100%]
26: =============================== warnings summary ===============================
26: ../../../../extra/python/tests/
26:   /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/python/tests/ PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.need_loop - is this a typo?  You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see
26:     @pytest.mark.need_loop
26: ../../../../extra/python/tests/
26:   /work/aquila/workspace/ares_multi_pipeline_main/extra/python/tests/ PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.need_loop - is this a typo?  You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see
26:     @pytest.mark.need_loop
26: -- Docs:
26: ======================== 19 passed, 2 warnings in 1.21s ========================
26/26 Test #26: python-tests ........................   Passed    1.44 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 26

Total Test time (real) =  28.39 sec